We are pleased to announce the upcoming virtual workshop on sustainable finance and digitalization on November 4th, 2021.
On behalf of the DTX research group and DIW Berlin, we would like to invite you to our conference on "Sustainable finance and digitalization".
Presentations on sustainable investors’ vulnerability to financial advisers and on sustainable financial literacy will provide the initial impetus. Subsequently, the speakers will address the measurement of sustainability for real estates and the impact of winning a green public procurement tender or a green public procurement award on the firm’s financial strength. The finial presentations take on the digital taxation, the diversity management of firms and sustainable finance.
We would be very pleased to welcome you as participants of this virtual conference. Participation is free of charge. For the purpose of providing the Zoom access information, please register by email to armin.varmaz@hs-bremen.de by November 2nd, 2021.
Prof. Dr. Armin Varmaz
Professor for Finance
+49 421 5905 4195
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