We would like to announce the guest lecture "Visualizing data" by Philipp Neumann (designer and owner of MZIN Leipzig) as part of the elective course 'Atlas of Material Ecologies' at the school of architecture, City University of Applied sciences, Bremen.
We are living in the age of the Anthropocene; humans have significantly changed the earth's surface and biosphere. If we want to reconceptualize architecture and minimise the environmental impact of our buildings we need to understand complex interweavings of building materials with their environment. The course aims to visualize hidden processes, confusing geographies and complex interdependencies of (building) material flows as material ecologies. With artistically and aesthetically sophisticated large-format mappings, infographics and diagrams we want to make spatial and temporal interdependencies visible across scales. The guest lecture gives input on the 'how' from a graphic design perspective.
Guests and interested public are welcome!
The lecture will be held in English.
Prof. Monique Jüttner
Entwerfen, Baukonstruktion und Material
+49 421 5905 2416
Philipp Neumann (designer and owner of MZIN Leipzig)
Infos für Studieninteressierte