With further education, you expand your professional qualifications and pave the way for the next step in your career. Continuing education is not only important to be successful in the labour market, but also contributes to your personal development and opens up new perspectives.
At the Graduate & Professional School and its International Graduate Center, we support you with our diverse range of part-time continuing courses and full-time international Master education and our many years of teaching experience. The Centre for Teaching and Learning (ZLL) provides students and teachers with relevant continuing education and training opportunities alongside their studies and teaching. Direct access to science and our proximity to business ensure relevant teaching content at the cutting edge of research and geared to current needs in practice.
“I spent my second semester at the University of Valencia, what I would really cherish about my MBA experience is the fact that we all got to become a part of a global community and had a chance to meet people from all around the world with different cultural backgrounds. In my case, switching from one partner university in Germany to another one in Spain made it an even more interesting experience, as I myself come from India and got a chance to interact with two more distinct cultures.
We actually got to experience both online and offline versions of learning, teamwork and collaboration, which I believe would position us better to take up jobs in the upcoming digital world. The added experience with the pandemic has also taught us how to be more flexible and deal with challenging situations.”
Lavanya Tayal, graduate of the International MBA program
© Hochschule Bremen – Marcus Meyer Photography
"Studying Master in European studies program at the International Graduate Center has caused me to get to know more about the approaches of the European Union towards the current demanding and controversial topics of the world from economic and politic to the very significant issue of environment and climate change. I chose Master in European studies as a complementary study and combined it with my previously acquired knowledge in engineering to boost my ability for my prospective positions. As an international student who comes from the outside of Europe, I recommend this interdisciplinary course to the applicants who seek a change in their future careers and want to experience a vibrant and different work condition. The last but not least, the diversity of the instructive materials of this course in the areas of European law, business and management which are taught by the professional and ex-perienced lecturers is a criterion which should be taken into consideration while deciding to study Master in European Studies.“
Morteza Etezadibehzadi , graduate of Master in European Studies
As an institution of the Hochschule Bremen, we guarantee you further education with a strong practical orientation that is always up to date with the latest scientific research. Our lecturers as well as participants come from different industries and companies and enrich the lessons with numerous case studies and practical experiences from their everyday professional life.
In addition to traditional face-to-face teaching at our campus in Bremen, we offer a broad portfolio of teaching and learning techniques, such as pure online teaching or a mix of digital teaching and face-to-face teaching (blended learning), so that you can find a suitable continuing education programme with us for every situation in life.
The Centre for Teaching and Learning (ZLL) offers students and lecturers, as well as those involved in the development and coordination of study programmes, the opportunity for further education on university and media didactics as well as study-related topics.