EMSS - Guest Presentations
Erik Dehnhardt
Software System Engineer, OHB
A spacecraft (S/C) is a complex system consisting of several parts, subsystems, and units. To fulfil its
mission, this complexity needs to be managed by an appropriate on-board software, usually called
Satellite Control Software (SCSW), which can be considered the “brain” of the S/C. The goal of this
lecture is to give an impression of the architectural structure and complexity that needs to be
managed – even for a simple mission – and the importance of on-board software for making the
entire system “work”. The SCSW is not only responsible for controlling the different subsystems of
the S/C (Electrical Power, Thermal Control, Communications, Propulsion, AOCS, Payload, etc.), it also
has to perform extensive internal data processing and memory management, to implement a Fault
Detection, Isolation, and Recovery (FDIR) mechanism, and to realise the external data interface
(telecommands, telemetry) to Ground. After an explanation of these technical topics, the lecture will
finish with a short overview of the standards that are applicable to ESA projects, namely ECSS
standards, as well as a data communication according to CCSDS/PUS.