DTX rsearch talks
The impact of ESG constraints on portfolio optimization in a sample of European stocks
Abstract: The introduction of the Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) dimensions in setting up optimal portfolios has been becoming of uttermost importance for the financial industry. Given the absence of consensus in empirical literature and the limited number of studies providing performance comparison of ESG strategies, the aim of this paper is to assess the impact of ESG on optimal portfolios and to compare different approaches to the construction of ESG compliant portfolios. Following Varmaz et al. (2022) optimization model, we minimize portfolio residual risk by imposing a desired level of portfolio average systemic risk and ESG (measured by Bloomberg ESG score) over both an unscreened and a screened sample based on the 586 stocks of the EURO STOXX Index in the period January 2007 – August 2022. Three are the main results. First, regardless of the level of portfolio systemic risk, the Sharpe ratio of the optimal portfolios worsens as the target ESG level increases. Second, the Sharpe ratio dynamics of portfolios with the highest average ESG scores follows market phases: it is very close to/higher than other portfolios in bull markets, whereas it underperforms in stable or bear markets suggesting that ESG portfolios do not seem to represent a safe haven. Third, negative screenings with medium low threshold reduce the performance of optimal portfolios with respect to optimization over an unscreened sample. However, when adopting a very severe screening we obtain a superior performance implying that very virtuous companies allows investors to do well by doing good.
Die Vortragsreihe wird vom Forschungscluster DTX organisiert. Die Vorträge gehen über 30 Minuten, anschließend wird in entspannter Atmosphäre diskutiert. DTX research talks ist eine öffentliche Veranstaltung, für die keine Anmeldung notwendig ist; die ZOOM-Zugangsdaten können an Interessierte (z.B. Studierende) weitergegeben werden. Das Passwort erhalten Sie unter armin.varmaz@hs-bremen.de
Prof. Dr. Armin Varmaz
Professor for Finance
+49 421 5905 4195
DTX research talks
DTX research talks
DTX research talks