Engineering and Management of Space Systems
Ariane 6, A Versatile Launcher: launches of any mass, to any orbit, at any time.
A6 is the next-generation launch vehicle and will be built in two versions: Ariane 62 and Ariane 64. With this modularity and the according performances, Ariane 6 will cover a wide range of missions: GEO, through intermediate orbits (in particular GTO and GTO+), Polar/SSO, MEO and others. Ariane 6 is able to carry any type of spacecraft, from the smallest (1.000 kg or less) to the largest (>20.000 kg), in either dedicated or shared launch.
The flight is performed automated, that means there is no steering and controlling of the launcher after its lift-off from the ground. In order to do so, the control is taken over by the on-board computer having the control of the sub-systems necessary to steer and initiate the separation of parts of the launcher until the release of the payloads into the appropriate orbit in space from the upper composite of the launcher.
One Key Element is the Ariane Avionics, the Electrical System and Software
Celen Nil R&T Programme Manager Avionics & System Models, Ariane Group