International University Weeks - Short term exchanges for social work students
Within the network SocNet98, we organize International University Weeks (IUWs) which are held every year in April or May in four different European universities. They are held in the same week and are open to all the members and other invited guests. Most IUWs bring together around 100 students and faculty at each place. Being part of an IUW is often the first step for students to make personal contacts regarding international exchange on an personal basis and experience.
In 2025, one of the four SocNet98 IUWs will be held at the School of Social Work of Hochschule Bremen, City University of Applied Sciences.
The IUW 2025 in Bremen will focus on the relationship between social work, sustainability, and the needed forms and interventions towards an ecosocial transformation of societies. The current climate crisis challenges us to meet new existential risks on macro, meso, and micro level and to reconsider and reflect lifestyles, forms of consumption, hegemonic models, and global and planetary relationships.
The social work profession needs new concepts, forms, and methods to protect addressees from the impacts of ecosocial problems, and to create settings for more socio-environmental justice. Beyond this, new models and methods to reflect and experience the human connection to nature and sustainability are needed.
On a theoretical level, new paradigms for an understanding of the human connection to ecology, well-being and social embeddedness, and a reflection of the post-humanistic and post-anthropocentric situation are required.
On a political level, new forms of inequality arise and a growing resistance of authoritarian counter-movements aims to hinder and discredit the needed transformations needs to be met. Hence, current societies and the social work profession are challenged in manifold ways.
The IUW 2025 in Bremen is organised within the SocNet98 - European Network of Schools and Universities of Social Work. We are network of social work faculties under the scheme of Erasmus Life Long Learning program of the European Union (higher educational institutions). SocNet98 was founded in 1998 during an international conference in Groningen (NL) and Jena (Germany) by universities of Groningen, Emden, Jena, Odense and Porsgrunn. In the meantime the network includes several partners all over Europe.
Prof. Dr. Christian Spatscheck
Professor für Theorien und Methoden der Sozialen Arbeit
+49 421 5905 2762