All-Set project
Final Event of the All-Set project
Welcome to our final “All-Set” – event!
On July 15th the organization team is celebrating the successful competition of the All-Set project with the participating students and young professionals who have made all events a great achievement.
This final event is all about using the skills acquired which were build during the interactive workshops, as well as having a final get together to evaluate the project outcome and conclusions for future events.
Students and Young Professionals who were part of the previous workshop series are sincerely invited to join the final event. They will get to meet members of our supporting organisations, important members of Indian as well as German institutions and entrepreneurs.
This upcoming event is the last event of the All-Set workshop series, which consists of five workshops in the current Summer Semester 2022. At the end of the final workshop, all participants will gain a certificate of participation and students from the HSB who successfully admitted the exam will additionally gain 3 ECTS points.
For registrations and/or more information, please contact: Maren Ehrlichmann
Prof. Dr. Mayank Kumar Golpelwar
Intercultural Management und Intercultural Communication
+49 421 5905 4152
Dr. Monika Blaschke
Leitung Career Service
+49 421 5905 2184
+ 49 176 5101 4514
Prof. Dr. Mayank Kumar Golpelwar
Intercultural Management und Intercultural Communication
Fakultät 1
Dr. Monika Blaschke
Leitung Career Service
Career Service/ Referat Studienerfolg und Internationalisierung
Dr. Shazia Wülbers
Fakultät 3