Methods for interactive, cooperative teaching and learning in hybrid international learning groups were the focus of an international workshop organized and conducted by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Rauscher, Chair of Engineering Mathematics and Construction Informatics of Faculty 2 - School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering at the beginning of September at Hochschule Bremen (HSB) – City University of Applied Sciences. Numerous partners from the STARS EU university alliance participated. The workshop took place as part of the DAAD-funded project I_PaCE (Internationalizing Practice in Civil Engineering). HSB thus provided an important impetus for the future design of international study programs in the digital age.
Under the motto “Develop your interactive, collaborative hybrid classroom within the framework of STARS EU!”, the guests from the partner universities Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB) from Portugal/Braganca and Cracow University of Technology (CUT) from Poland/Krakow were able to get to know and directly use digital tools. The aim was to integrate the tools into their hybrid course with international students in order to motivate them to actively participate. The focus was on collaborative work to design interactive presentations and the use of digital methods to create hybrid learning environments with cooperative forms of work. Other participants from European universities that are part of the STARS EU alliance had the opportunity to join the webinars online and actively participate.
In addition to teaching practical teaching methods, the focus was also on further cooperation between the universities. They worked together on innovative learning formats and the possibilities of establishing a double degree Master's degree in order to further improve and internationalize the courses offered for the Master's program “Civil Engineering - Sustainable Planning and Construction M. Sc.”, among other things.
The welcome to the workshop was given by the Vice-Rector for Studies, Teaching and Internationalization Prof. Dr. Annika Maschwitz. This was followed by a keynote speech by HSB Professor Lydia Scholz on the topic of hybrid teaching methods for the future. A successful final presentation was given by Prof. Dr. Svenja Tams on the topic of Challenge Based Learning with the title: “Challenge! How to design CBL”.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Rauscher
Engineering mathematics and construction informatics
+49 421 5905 2315
Group picture from the I_PaCE - Workshop - International teaching across countries at the HSB. Photo: HSB