Around 120 employees and students from the STARS EU university alliance will come together at Hochschule Bremen (HSB) at the beginning of November 2024. ‘We warmly welcome all participants from the Netherlands, Sweden, France, Spain, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Poland and Albania to Bremen at HSB,’ says Annika Maschwitz, Vice-president of Academic Affairs and Internationalisation. From 5 to 7 November, a working meeting and a meeting of the Steering Committee of the nine partner universities of the international network will take place in order to further expand and successfully advance the work of STARS EU. The European University Alliance has been funded by the EU since November 2023 with 12.4 million euros, initially for four years. The abbreviation STARS EU stands for Strategic Alliance for Regional Transition European University.
How can universities integrate studying, teaching, continuing education and research? How can degree programmes be further internationalised and transferred into joint formats? What can European Universities learn from each other, for example to become more sustainable? And how do the respective regions benefit from this? Participants will be discussing these and other questions in Bremen these days.
A lot has already happened in recent months and years: HSB is already practising new digital and analogue teaching formats with its eight partner universities. For example, Hochschule Bremen has already carried out several so-called Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP) on its own initiative. This is an important test for the further development of the internationalisation of HSB's curricula. All HSB faculties and several STARS EU partner universities are now involved in this development. Teaching staff and students benefit from this. In addition, new courses and degrees are in preparation: for example, the development of a double degree in the Master's course in Construction and Environment (Infrastructure) together with the Portuguese partner university Polytechnic Institute of Bragança - funded by the DAAD programme HAW.International ‘Internationalising Practice in Civil Engineering’ (I_PaCE).
Would you also like to get involved in the STARS-EU network or actively contribute to the development of the project structures? Feel free to contact our STARS EU team in Bremen.