Saturday, 2 April 2022
Deconstruction of offshore wind farms - environmentally friendly, cost-efficient and safe
Prof. Dr. Silke Eckardt at Wissen um 11
On Saturday, 2 April at 11 a.m., Prof. Dr. Silke Eckardt will give the lecture: Dismantling offshore wind farms - Environmentally compatible, cost-efficient and safe. Eckardt is a professor at Bremen University of Applied Sciences, where she heads the Master's programme "Sustainable Energy and Environmental Systems". She has been Vice Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Environment since 2018. Previously, she worked for many years in various positions in energy and waste management.
At the end of 2021, about 1,500 offshore wind turbines with a capacity of about 7,800 MW were installed in the German North Sea and Baltic Sea. Climate protection and the current energy supply situation call for action. A few months ago, the German government decided to expand offshore wind energy to 30,000 MW by 2030 and even 70,000 MW by 2045. Offshore wind energy thus makes a significant contribution to climate-friendly energy production. However, the operating life of technical plants is limited and so the dismantling of the plants must already be considered now. The research project "SeeOff - Strategy development for the efficient dismantling of offshore wind farms" has taken on this task. In her presentation, the speaker will offer an insight into the world of offshore wind energy use and the requirements and goals that arise from the perspective of the marine environment, resource efficiency and the costs and safety of working on the dismantling of the plants.
This lecture will take place as an attendance event.
Registrations possible at: . When visiting us, please note that the 3G rule applies.
On Saturday, 9 April, Prof. Dr. Carsten Harms will give the lecture: "Latest findings on research and development work on micro-scale analysis systems in chip laboratories".
"Wissen um 11", the science matinee in Bremen, in which exciting and current topics from science are presented in thirty minutes every Saturday at 11 a.m. and, if possible, filmed and published promptly on our YouTube channel. Admission is free.
Haus der Wissenschaft
Sandstraße 4/5
28195 Bremen
Phone: +49 421-218 69500
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Silke Eckardt
Sustainable Energy Supply and Resource Efficiency
+49 421 5905 3427