Our profile
Differences enrich coexistence. Science in particular benefits when different perspectives enter into dialogue. That is why HSB sees diversity as an opportunity. As an educational and research institution, HSB is a place where people from different academic disciplines, cultures and countries of origin as well as with individual interests and characteristics come together to learn with and from each other.
HSB regards diversity as a cross-cutting topic and promotes it with tailored offers. External audits regularly confirm that our measures are successful. In 2016, for example, the university was certified by the Donors' Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities in the frame of its "Shaping Diversity" audit.
HSB is networked worldwide with numerous universities, scientific institutions, companies and organisations. HSB was one of the first universities in Germany to firmly anchor stays abroad in its study programmes. Around 60 percent of our graduates now gain experience in other countries and cultures over the course of their studies.
Likewise, our offers attract people from all parts of the world. They come to Bremen to complete a semester abroad, earn a degree, or participate in the Summer School. Scientific symposia and projects provide opportunities to exchange the latest research findings that international teams have gained across countries.
Together with the other universities in the state of Bremen, HSB participates in the "Here Ahead" programme. The preparatory programme enables students interested in building an international profile to obtain the necessary qualifications for studying in Germany.
Hochschule Bremen (HSB) also promotes the diversity of other stakeholders in society. Together with companies and foundations from the region, it has been awarding the Bremen Diversity Price since 2010. The Zentrum für Interkulturelles Management & Diversity (ZIM) (Centre for Intercultural Management & Diversity) at HSB is responsible for the content and organisation of the award ceremony. It is the office of the Bremen Diversity Award.
The current motto of the award is: ‘Diversity - our key to the future!’. It is aimed at companies, public institutions and projects that use targeted measures to shape and promote diversity, advocate equal opportunities and anti-discrimination and publicise the positive impact of diversity.
At 32 percent (2021), women already hold an above-average number of professorships at HSB. With the help of the "5th Action Programme for Equal Opportunities for Women in Academia at Hochschule Bremen", we are purposefully striving to further increase the proportion of women.
With the Mentoring MINT project the HSB starts at an early stage to promote women in the fields of mathematics, engineering, the natural sciences and technology that have so far been occupied predominantly by men. The meetMINT offer already provides students still at school with access to STEM subjects in an environment free from clichés and stereotypes. Through makeMINT, female STEM students can get tips and support from mentors from higher semesters and female experts from the field.
The project "Gender and Diversity in Teaching" was launched at HSB in September 2020. The aim is to enable HSB lecturers to design their own teaching in a gender- and diversity-reflective way.
HSB has received the "Total E-Quality" award several times for its commitment to gender equality.
With a dedicated action plan, HSB has set itself the goal of implementing the UN Disability Rights Convention by 2022. In addition to the barrier-free design of buildings and communication media, this also includes improving the study and working conditions for people with disabilities.
The Advisory Office for Inclusive Studies offers students a central point of contact for questions about studying with a disability or chronic illness. It advises students on support services and informs them about the possibilities of adapting their studies to their individual requirements.
HSB pursues the goal of achieving more permeability in the education system. To this end, it has created flexible study structures and access to university studies for "non-traditional" students as part of the "HSBflex" and "HSBflex²" projects. For example, it is possible for people without the usual university entrance qualification to have their work experience credited. Likewise, there are various options for continuing education while working.
The student success management at HSB is geared towards the individual requirements of students during their studies.
In addition, HSB is committed to helping students reconcile their studies and careers with family life. For example, the Family Office and the Central Student Advisory Service provide support and advice to students with children. Two university-related initiatives offer childcare on the Werderstraße campus and in the vicinity of the Neustadtswall campus. Flexible working time models allow employees to reconcile family care responsibilities with their professional activities.
In the frame of the audit "Family-friendly university", HSB has received the certificate several times since 2005.