Since 2017 Professor for Environmental Bioengineering at Bremen University of Applied Sciences.
2005 to 2017 Research associate in the International Study Program Technical and Applied Biology (ISTAB B.Sc. and M.Sc.) at Bremen University of Applied Sciences.
2000 to 2005 Project leader in the fields of biotechnology, food quality and safety and environmental technology and group leader in the field of natural substances at ttz Bremerhaven
2003 Technical University Hamburg-Harburg, doctorate (Dr. - Ing.) on the subject of "Treatment of drilling mud in the bioreactor process".
1997 to 2000 Research associate/doctoral student at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZ, Environmental Biotechnology Center UbZ in Leipzig
1996 DEA in Environmental Toxicology, French equivalent of Master of Sciences, Université de Metz, France
1995 Dipl.-Ing. Biotechnology, University of Magdeburg, Germany
Spokesperson of the research cluster Region im Wandel of the HSB
Member of the Research Commission of the HSB
Expert for the accreditation agency ZEvA
Reviewer for the BMBF research program Bioeconomy International
BaMS Bioökonomie auf marinen Standorten e.V.
European University Network STARS EU
Oldenburg Energy Cluster OLEC e.V.
Bringezu S., Banse M., Ahmann L., Bezama N. A., Billig E., Bischof R., Blanke C., Brosowski A., Brüning S., Borchers M., Budzinski M., Cyffka K.-F., Distelkamp M., Egenolf V., Flaute M., Geng N., Gieseking L., Graß R., Hennenberg K., Hering T., Iost S., Jochem D., Krause T., Lutz C., Machmüller A., Mahro B., Majer S., Mantau U., Meisel K., Moesenfechtel U., Noke A., Raussen T., Richter F., Schaldach R., Schweinle J., Thrän D., Uglik M., Weimar H., Wimmer F., Wydra S., Zeug W. (2020): Pilotbericht zum Monitoring der deutschen Bioökonomie. Hrsg. vom Center for Environmental Systems Research (CESR), Universität Kassel, Kassel, doi:10.17170/kobra-202005131255
Brosowski A., Krause T., Mantau U., Mahro B. Noke A., Richterd F., Raussen T., Bischof R., Hering T., Blanke C.,Müller P., Thrän D. (2019) How to measure the impact of biogenic residues, wastes and by-products: Development of a national resource monitoring based on the example of Germany, Biomass and Bioenergy 127
Ende S.S.W., Noke A. (2019), Heterotrophic microalgae production on food waste and by-products, Journal of Applied Phycology, 31:1565–1571
Environmental Biotechnology
Material and energetic use of renewable raw materials