Scharff Rethfeldt, W. (2025, June 25). Calling for early identification: Factors of inappropriate services for multilingual children with developmental language disorder / Früherkennung zur Sprache gebracht: Wirkfaktoren der Fehlversorgung mehrsprachiger Kinder mit Sprachentwicklungsstörung [Early identification: Factors of inappropriate services for multilingual children with developmental language disorder]. Invited oral paper to be presented at the EACD-IAACD Congress 2025, Heidelberg/Maulbronn, Germany.
Scharff Rethfeldt, W. (2024, September 27). Evidenzbasierte Früherkennung als Maßnahmen gegen die bestehende Fehlversorgung von mehrsprachigen Kindern [Evidence-based early identification as a measure against the existing mismanagement of multilingual children]. Presentation at the Symposium on Linguistic Health, Bremen University of Applied Sciences, Bremen, Germany. (Program)
McNeilly, L., & Scharff Rethfeldt, W. (2024, June 29). A synopsis of clinical practice strategies reported by clinicians that assess multilingual children diagnosed with developmental language disorder (DLD). Presentation at the 100th Anniversary Symposium of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP), Vienna, Austria. (Program)
Scharff Rethfeldt, W., & Güttler, C. (2024, June 15). ENRICH – Representation matters! Teil 1: Identifikation zeitlicher und personeller Ressourcen für eine nachhaltige logopädische Gesundheitsversorgung [ENRICH – Representation matters! Part 1: Identification of temporal and personnel resources for sustainable speech-language therapy service]. Presentation at the 52nd dbl Congress, Oberhausen, Germany. (Program)
Scharff Rethfeldt, W. (2024, April 12). Assessment of developmental language disorder in multilingual children: Access barriers to SLT service provision and recommendations for overcoming them. Keynote presentation at the 9th Congress of the Baltic States Speech-Language Therapists (SLTs) – Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, online. (program and book of abstracts)
Scharff Rethfeldt, W. (2023, November 10). Diagnose Sprachentwicklungsstörung bei Mehrsprachigkeit: Brauchen wir monolinguale Kinder, um bilinguale Kinder einzuschätzen? [Diagnosing developmental language disorder and multilingualism: Do we need monolingual children to assess bilingual children?]. Presentation at the XX. Arbeitstagung Forschung für die Praxis: Paradigmenwechsel, Arbeitsstelle Frühförderung Bayern, online. (Program)
Scharff Rethfeldt, W., Ziegenfusz, S., Gallagher, A., & Parsons, S. (2023, August 20–24). Uptake of CATALISE terminology and diagnostic criteria across four countries. Oral presentation at the 32nd World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP), Auckland, New Zealand. (program)
Hunt, E., Laasonen, M., Abutbul-Oz, H., Blumenthal, M., Goulart, B., Hunt, E., McNeilly, L., Meir, N., Mophosho, M., Salameh, E.-K., Smolander, S., & Scharff Rethfeldt, W. (2023, August 20–24). Survey of diagnostic criteria for developmental language disorder in multilingual children: Methodology and participants – Part 1. Oral presentation at the 32nd World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP), Auckland, New Zealand. (program)
Laasonen, M., Abutbul-Oz, H., Blumenthal, M., Goulart, B., Hunt, E., McNeilly, L., Meir, N., Mophosho, M., Salameh, E.-K., Smolander, S., & Scharff Rethfeldt, W. (2023, August 20–24). Opinions on cognition, multilingualism, and developmental language disorder – Part 2. Oral presentation at the 32nd World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP), Auckland, New Zealand. (program)
Scharff Rethfeldt, W., Smolander, S., Abutbul-Oz, H., Blumenthal, M., Goulart, B., Hunt, E., Meir, N., Mophosho, M., Laasonen, M., & McNeilly, L. (2023, August 20–24). Access to service provision for multilingual children with DLD: Current referral practices and clinicians’ opinions on barriers – Part 3. Oral presentation at the 32nd World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP), Auckland, New Zealand. (program)
McNeilly, L., Scharff Rethfeldt, W., Abutbul-Oz, H., Blumenthal, M., Goulart, B., Laasonen, M., Meir, N., Mophosho, M., Salameh, E.-K., Smolander, S., & Hunt, E. (2023, August 20–24). Recommended best practices for speech-language services to multilingual children: International realities and solutions – Part 4. Oral presentation at the 32nd World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP), Auckland, New Zealand. (program)
Scharff Rethfeldt, W., & Ehlert, H. (2023, August 20–24). Current challenges in professional education: The case "Made in Germany." Poster presentation at the 32nd World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP), Auckland, New Zealand. Poster (program)
Scharff Rethfeldt, W. (2022, September). Same diagnostic label, different meanings: The use and limits of DLD terminology – German nomenclature as a case study. Presentation at the 2nd International DLD Research Conference 2022, virtual, Australia. Video: Same diagnostic label, different meanings: The use and limit of DLD terminology – German nomenclature as a case study
Scharff Rethfeldt, W. (2022, May). Screening vocabulary development in bilingual toddlers: Comparing parent reports and the language environmental analysis recording system. Online oral paper presented at the ESLA Congress, hybrid format, Salzburg, Austria.
Scharff Rethfeldt, W., Lüke, C., Kauschke, C., & D-A-CH-Konsortium SES. (2022, May). DELPHI-Studie zur Definition und Terminologie von Sprachentwicklungsstörungen: Ergebnisse und ihre Bedeutung aus logopädischer Sicht [DELPHI study on the definition and terminology of developmental language disorders: Results and their significance from a speech-language therapy perspective]. Presentation at the 50th dbl Congress, Koblenz, Germany.
Scharff Rethfeldt, W., McNeilly, L., Abutbul-Oz, H., Blumenthal, M., Goulart, B., Hunt, E., Laasonen, M. R., Meir, N., Moonsamy, S., Mophosho, M., Salameh, E.-K., & Smolander, S. (2021, September). International survey on developmental language disorder in multilingual children. Presentation at the 1st International DLD Research Conference 2021 (p. 8), virtual, Australia.
Scharff Rethfeldt, W. (2021, June). Der online Logopädie Journal Club: Wie die Implementierung evidenzbasierter Praxis durch mediale Unterstützung gelingen kann [The online speech-language therapy journal club: How social media support can facilitate the implementation of evidence-based practice]. Presentation at the 49th dbl Congress, virtual.
Scharff Rethfeldt, W. (2019, August). Early language development in toddlers with environmentally divided language exposure. Presentation at the 31st World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP), Taipei, Taiwan.
Scharff Rethfeldt, W. (2018, May). Multilingual and migrant children’s access to speech-language therapy services. Presentation at the 10th European CPLOL Congress of Speech and Language Therapy, Cascais, Portugal.
Roddam, H., Mühlhaus, J., & Scharff Rethfeldt, W. (2018, May). Using social media to encourage increased engagement with research. Presentation at the 10th European CPLOL Congress of Speech and Language Therapy, Cascais, Portugal.
Scharff Rethfeldt, W. (2017, August). A paradigm crisis in culturally sensitive SLT service provision: The underestimated role of social evidence. Presentation at the 5th International Symposium on Communication Disorders in Multilingual and Multicultural Populations, Bremen, Germany.
Scharff Rethfeldt, W., & Regelmann, E.-M. (2017, June). Untersuchung mit dem Sprachumfeldanalyseverfahren LENA bei bilingual aufwachsenden Zwillingen im Kleinkindalter [Using the Language Environmental Analysis (LENA) system with bilingual toddler twins – A study]. Presentation at the 46th dbl Annual Congress, Mainz, Germany.
Jordaan, H., Levey, S., Scharff Rethfeldt, W., & Smolander, S. (2016, August). Issues, advances and practices in the assessment and intervention of multilingual children and adolescents with communication and literacy disorders. Panel presentation at the 30th World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP), Dublin, Ireland.
Scharff Rethfeldt, W. (2016, August). The inductive approach as an adequate alternative to norm-referenced language measures for language assessment of multicultural and multilingual children. Paper presented at the 30th World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP), Dublin, Ireland.
Scharff Rethfeldt, W. (2015, June). Mehrsprachigkeit und primäre Sprachentwicklungsstörungen: Aktuelle Herausforderungen aus europäischer Perspektive [Multilingualism and primary developmental language disorders: Current challenges from a European perspective]. Paper presented at the 44th dbl Annual Congress, Düsseldorf, Germany.
Scharff Rethfeldt, W. (2014, June). Förderbedarf oder Therapieindikation? Zur Methodenwahl in der logopädischen Differenzialdiagnostik bei mehrsprachigen Kindern [Support need or therapy indication? On method selection in speech-language therapy assessment for multilingual children]. Paper presented at the 43rd dbl Annual Congress, Berlin, Germany.
Scharff Rethfeldt, W. (2016, May). Kultursensible logopädische Versorgung in der Krise: Zur Relevanz sozialer Evidenz [Culturally sensitive speech-language therapy intervention in crisis: On the relevance of social evidence]. Paper presented at the 45th dbl Annual Congress, Bielefeld, Germany.
Scharff Rethfeldt, W., et al. (2015, May). Primary language impairment in multilingual children: Identifying gaps of knowledge. Paper presented at the 9th European CPLOL Congress, Florence, Italy.
Scharff Rethfeldt, W. (2013, August). The inductive approach for language assessment with multilingual children by monolingual therapists. Paper presented at the 29th World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP), Turin, Italy.
Scharff Rethfeldt, W. (2013, May). Multilingual und interkulturell orientierte Anamnese (MIA): Grundlage der logopädischen Intervention bei mehrsprachigen Kindern [Multilingual and interculturally oriented anamnesis (MIA): Foundation of speech-language therapy intervention for multilingual children]. Paper presented at the 42nd dbl Annual Congress, Erfurt, Germany.
Scharff Rethfeldt, W. (2012, September). Mangelnde Deutschkenntnisse oder Sprachentwicklungsstörung? Differenzialdiagnostik bei mehrsprachigen Kindern [Insufficient German skills or developmental language disorder? Differential diagnosis in multilingual children]. Paper presented at the 30th Congress of the German Society for Speech Therapy (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachheilpädagogik), Bremen, Germany.
Scharff Rethfeldt, W. (2012, September). Mehrsprachigkeit und Interkulturalität in der sprachtherapeutischen Praxis [Multilingualism and interculturality in speech-language therapy practice]. Paper presented at the Congress of the German Society for Speech Therapy (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachheilpädagogik), University of Bremen, Germany.
Scharff Rethfeldt, W. (2012, May). Assessing multilingual children: The inductive approach considering all languages using parental mobile phone cams. Paper presented at the 8th European Congress of CPLOL, The Hague, Netherlands.
Scharff Rethfeldt, W. (2011, June). Sprachentwicklungsdiagnostik bei mehrsprachigen Kindern: Der Induktive Ansatz zur Differenzierung zwischen Sprachverarbeitungsstörung und mangelnden Deutschkenntnissen [Language development diagnostics in multilingual children: The inductive approach to differentiating between processing disorder and insufficient German skills]. Paper presented at the 40th dbl Annual Congress, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Scharff Rethfeldt, W. (2010, June). Akademisierung 2.0: Zur Qualifikation in den therapeutischen Gesundheitsfachberufen vor dem Hintergrund zukünftiger Bedarfe und Anforderungen im Gesundheitssektor [Academicization 2.0: On qualification in therapeutic health professions in the light of future needs and demands in the healthcare sector]. Paper presented at the 39th dbl Annual Congress, Hanover, Germany.
Scharff Rethfeldt, W., & Bilda, K. (2010, August). Performance of bilingual children from migration backgrounds on a test of German morphological paradigms. Paper presented at the 28th World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP), Athens, Greece.
Scharff Rethfeldt, W. (2009, May). The bilingual patient’s profile as an approach to logopedic intervention. Paper presented at the 7th European Congress of CPLOL, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Scharff Rethfeldt, W., & Miller, N. (2006, May). Unterschiede in der mittleren Sprechstimmlage bei Deutsch/Englisch bilingualen Sprechern [Speaking fundamental frequency differences in German/English bilingual speakers]. Paper presented at the 6th European Congress of CPLOL, Berlin, Germany.
Scharff, W., Miller, N., & Mennen, I. (2001, March). Speaking fundamental frequency differences in English-German bilinguals. Paper presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Bilingualism, University of the West of England, Bristol, United Kingdom.