Application and career entry
At the start of a career, this enquiry is initially a hurdle, but it is easy to research. Inform yourself so that you are not completely off the mark in your cover letter and job interview. Salaries vary according to sector and degree programmes, Bachelor's and Master's degrees, and there are also regional differences. In the public sector, a Master's degree is a prerequisite for the better paid jobs. Tarifgruppen im Höheren Dienst.
You can find a lot of information on salary groups online. We recommend, for example, the Lohnspiegel, further information on AULIS.
A guest article by Jenna Eatough from the Professional Association of Legal Journalists e. V.
Finally done: once you have completed your studies, most people look forward to their own financial independence full of joy and expectations. In particular, the thought of earning your first real salary makes your heart beat faster. First of all, however, the relevant employment contract must be signed - and this should not be done hastily. The following text provides a checklist to ensure that nothing goes wrong with your first employment contract.