Fakultät Architektur, Bau und Umwelt
Etwas schaffen, was bleibt: In unserem Bachelorstudium Bauingenieurwesen lernen Sie, unsere Städte und Regionen lebenswert, nachhaltig und zukunftsfähig zu gestalten.
Degree | Bachelor of Science |
Start of study | Wintersemester |
Application period Wintersemester | 01 June until 15 July |
Standard period of study | 7 semesters |
Credits | 210 |
Accredited | Ja |
Admission restricted | Yes |
Admission requirements |
Language of instruction | German and English |
Faculty/institution | Fakultät Architektur, Bau und Umwelt |
Integrated stay abroad | No |
Study format | duales Studium optional |
Das Bauingenieurwesen ist für unsere Gesellschaft von grundlegender Bedeutung. Um einen hohen Lebensstandard zu gewährleisten, sind eine gut funktionierende Infrastruktur und hohe Standards im Bauwesen entscheidend.
Als Bauingenieur:in sind Sie für die Planung, Konstruktion und Überwachung von Bauwerken wie Gebäuden, Brücken, Straßen, Tunnel und anderen Infrastrukturprojekten verantwortlich. Dabei arbeiten Sie eng mit Architekten, Objektplanern, Bauarbeitern und weiteren Fachleuten zusammen.
Unser Bachelorstudium Bauingenieurwesen vermittelt Ihnen die grundlegenden Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten, um komplexe Bau- und Infrastrukturprojekte zu planen, zu entwerfen und umzusetzen.
Dazu gehören unter anderem mathematische und technische Grundlagen, Baukonstruktion, Tragwerkslehre, Bauwerkserhaltung und Baurecht sowie Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte. Praxisnahe Projekte, Exkursionen und Praktika bereiten Sie optimal auf Ihre zukünftige Tätigkeit vor.
You can study the Bachelor's degree programme in Civil Engineering in the classic version, i.e. entirely at the university, or as a dual study programme.
The dual study programme is extended by additional practical periods with an employer, your practice partner. You complete the same degree programme as traditional students, but gain in-depth practical knowledge and are already familiarised with your future job during your studies.
A market of opportunities awaits you: Civil engineering is a very wide-ranging and multi-faceted course. After graduating, all doors are open to you in the construction industry!
For example, you can work in the fields of structural and civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, environment, transportation or network infrastructure and take on the following tasks:
You can also work in research and teaching at universities or research institutes - or become self-employed and set up your own engineering firm.
With our Master's degree in Civil Engineering - Sustainable Planning and Building, you can further improve your career prospects and advance to management positions.
Our Bachelor's degree course in Civil Engineering is characterized by a high degree of practical relevance. This enables you to apply your theoretical knowledge in real-life situations and develop a better understanding of the practical challenges and requirements of civil engineering.
Thanks to our large network of cooperation partners from the construction industry, urban planning and environmental engineering, the course has a close connection to practice and can incorporate current topics directly into the course.
You can apply for the dual study program with our practice partners. The dual study course option is only just being set up and the list of practice partners will be gradually expanded. You are also welcome to “bring along” a company with which you would like to do a dual study program.
As a civil engineer, you can also work abroad, for example if you work for a globally active company or an international construction company or take on projects abroad as a self-employed person.
Specialist English in selected courses: English-language courses are interwoven into certain modules to familiarize you with the technical language. In the fifth semester, modules are held in English if required.
Voluntary semester abroad: You can integrate a voluntary semester abroad into the Bachelor's degree course in Civil Engineering. The Faculty of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering maintains relationships with numerous universities abroad. The central International Office and the Decentralized International Office (DIO) of the faculty will advise you on the organization and financing of your stay abroad.
All partner universities of Bremen University of Applied Sciences
Check the application deadlines and admission requirements for your desired degree program.
The following also applies to the dual option: Ask our practice partners or other employers whether they are currently offering a dual study place at HSB.
The contact persons listed below will answer any questions you may have about the degree program. If you have any further questions about your decision to study at HSB, our Central Student Advisory Service can help you.
The following applies to the dual study program: You first apply for a dual study place with a practice partner. Only once you have concluded a study contract with them can you register for the dual study program in the HSB application portal.
The following applies to the classic study program: You apply directly to HSB.
Have you been admitted by the HSB? Congratulations! Now accept your place and enrol.
Let's get started: Your studies begin in October! During the orientation week, all first-semester students receive the information they need to start their studies.
The dual study program often starts as early as August or September. The time before the start of your studies is used to get to know your practice partner and to introduce you to the company.
Do you have detailed questions about the Bachelor's degree program in Civil Engineering, e.g. about the modules, the required previous math knowledge, the elective options or the workload? Then please contact our head of degree program by e-mail at: studiengang-bau@hs-bremen.de
Prof. Dr. -Ing. Sven Uhrhan
Sustainable Mobility Systems
+49 421 5905 2340
Would you like to study the dual study program and need more information, e.g. on the procedure, the differences to the classic study program and our practice partners? Or would you as a company like to offer the dual study program and become our practice partner? Get in touch with us!
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marc Gutermann
Structural Engineering and Experimental Statics
+49 421 5905 2345