Information for exchange students
Right after the start of the semester and directly after enrolment at HSB, you should register for your courses. Please check below for all courses taught in English. These courses are highly popular and places might be limited. Please note: Some courses are only offered in the spring semester (April - September), some are only offered in the fall semester (October - March)
For the registration procedures, please contact your coordinator at the Decentral International Office (DIO) of your faculty as soon as possible.
International exchange students have the opportunity to take German language courses during the semester.
Interested? The International Office will inform you by email shortly before the start of the semester.
HSB also offers a range of interdisciplinary courses taught in English for students from all faculties. When signing up, please keep in mind that they must meet the requirements of your home university (the type of examination, number of hours, amount of work, ECTS points, etc.).