Hochschule Bremen is the second largest academic institution in the state of Bremen, located in the heart of Bremen's Neustadt district. As a university of applied sciences, the focus is on practice-oriented study and application-oriented research.
Students are given ample opportunity to apply new knowledge and skills even before they graduate. The practical component is particularly high in the dual courses of study that HSB offers in cooperation with companies and organisations from the region. In addition to undergraduate Bachelor's degree programmes and consecutive Master's degree programmes, HSB also offers a wide range of opportunities for further education, for example in the form of Master's and MBA programmes or certificate programmes. Customised offers for different requirements make the HSB a versatile and reliable partner for the qualification of specialists and managers.
The HSB also has its finger on the pulse with its research activities: six research clusters bundle projects in which researchers across disciplinary boundaries deal with future issues in technology, business and society. With science for practice, HSB contributes to the innovative strength of the region.
HSB is not only well networked regionally - more than 370 university cooperations all over the world underpin its trademark internationality.