School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Degree | Bachelor of Engineering |
Start of study | Winter semester |
Application period Winter semester | 01 June until 15 July |
Standard period of study | 7 semesters |
Credits | 210 |
Accredited | Yes
Admission restricted | No |
Admission requirements | Higher education entrance qualification |
Language of instruction | German |
Faculty/institution | School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science |
Integrated stay abroad | No |
The Bachelor's degree programme in Electrical Engineering opens up the world of innovative technologies that will have a decisive influence on our lives in the future. The degree programme is strongly application oriented, creating ideal conditions to prepare you for professional life.
As a graduate of the Electrical Engineering B.Eng. programme, you will have comprehensive basic knowledge of the natural sciences and electrical engineering as well as specific competences in either Electrical Power Engineering, Information Technology or Smart Systems.
By the time you graduate, you will have acquired knowledge of the individual building blocks and complex interrelationships of systems. Moreover, you will possess comprehensive professional skills such as techniques of work organisation and project management as well as foundation knowledge in business administration, making you excellently prepared for the demanding and varied tasks of an engineer.
In the first three semesters, you will learn the general basics of electrical engineering, physics and chemistry/materials science as well as mathematics.
In the fourth semester, you will acquire subject-specific basic knowledge and competences in one of the three study profiles of the degree programme:
- Electrical power engineering
- Information technology
- Smart systems
In the fifth and sixth semesters you deepen your profile. In this phase of your studies a
large part of your education is taken up by project work in the department’s laboratories.
The topics are largely based on current research and development projects that are being worked on in the institutes and laboratories of the faculty. This gives you the opportunity to come to grips with the real-life tasks and situations.
In the seventh semester you undertake a work placement in industry and complete your Bachelor’s thesis.
If you opt for the international version of the degree programme, you take your semester abroad in the fifth semester and ideally combine it with the work placement.
Alternatively, you can complete your stay abroad entirely as a work placement and complete your Bachelor's thesis in the seventh semester.
© Hochschule Bremen - Sabrina Peters
If you do opt for the international version of the degree programme, in which you either spend a semester studying or undertaking the practical part abroad, you will benefit from the worldwide network of partner universities that the Hochschule Bremen has built up over the years.
In electrical engineering, there are cooperation arrangements in place with universities in the following countries:
China, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Croatia,
Latvia, Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Turkey, Hungary.
You have to earn a minimum of 18 ECTS credits in order to have your studies abroad recognised.
The central HSB International Office and the International Office in the Faculty will advise you on the organisation and financing of your semester abroad.
Check the application deadlines and admission requirements for your desired degree programme.
Questions about the degree programme can be answered by the contact persons on the degree programme pages. If you have any further questions about your decision to study at HSB, our advisory and service institutions will be happy to help.